A newborn company looking for talented individuals who want to participate in becoming the next global star. Here, young talents, as well as rising artists, can show their potential!

Journal of Fame atau buku catatan dalam menggapai ketenaran, yang dibutuhkan adalah ambisi dan semangat untuk bertahan dan bangkit kembali. Seperti yang kami bilang "Fame come and goes, all you need is passion".

O1. All stars.
O2. One account per head.
O3. Multi agency is allowed, but max. 3 include us also max.2 squad
O4. Free username and display name, but must be related with your chara.
O5. Jfb, nick and bot user are prohibited.
O6. No twins allowed.
O7. Love wins is allowed.
O8. NSFW thingy above 10 P.M. But also please have a limit.
O9. Following must be under 500.
1O. New account is allowed, but min, 200 tweets and min, 40 following.
11. Changing your character max. Once a month.
12. No war, drama, and circle in circle. Please obey the rules!
13. Do inform us if you moved or your account got suspended, locked by twitter, 72h, also if you changed your chara.
14. Hiatus:
Short hiatus: 3 days
Long hiatus: 5 days
15. Unverify:
a. One day after the verification
b. Two days if you didn’t interact with the members.
16. Active with joining our events or games, NO AFK. Please tell us if you can’t join our events or games.
17. If you want to Temporary Swap, max 2 days.
18. Please DM us if you have a problem with the members or anything that you feel uncomfortable.

O1. Follow our base @JournalOfFame
O2. Check your faceclaim's availability ( just for open batch, if you regist at opening, all face claims will be available )
O3. Fill the form on Grand Opening day.
O4. Retweet our tweet with the form registration after you submit your form.
O5. Wait a day for the verification.
O6. We'll follow you back if you accepted. Don't forget to follow all member and welcome to JOF!